Register your application for Power BI

Register your application with Azure Active Directory (Azure AD). You’ll be able to manage and modify these settings later in the Azure portal.
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Register your application

Register your application with Azure AD to allow your application to access the Power BI REST APIs and to set resource permissions for your application. You can change this later in the Microsoft Azure portal. Learn more

Application Name

Enter a display name to identify your application in Azure

Choose the type of application you are developing

Enter your application’s homepage URL

Enter a URL where users will be redirected upon sign in so your application can receive an authorization code.

Select the APIs and the level of access your application needs. You can change these settings later in the Azure portal.
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By clicking Register, you agree to the terms of use

Note: An application registered here can’t be used as a service principal. Learn how to register a service principal
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Success! Your application has been registered.

Copy these fields. You'll need them later

Application ID:

Application secret:

image/svg+xml dev-center-logo

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Your application has been registered.

Note: You can retrieve your client ID from the Azure portal, if needed. If you lose your client secret, you'll need to create a new one in the Azure portal

Application ID:

Application secret:

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